It may seem economical, but your minimal capped price servicing just doesn’t cut it, causing you more problems in the long run. This may seem too good to be true with the automotive industry and its research bodies such as SAE reporting substantial evidence that engine carbonisation is occurring at a surprisingly low mileage on new vehicles.
Auto manufacturers offer warranty programs which assure new vehicle owners that their brand is safe to buy and that your cost of ownership will be at a low cost in the best-case scenario.
In perfect conditions, such as filling your vehicle with the best fuels and oils, better than recommended oil change intervals and with a little bit of luck, your vehicle should be running economically. But, life happens; you’ve gone past your service interval, you forgot to service your car, you bought the cheapest fuel, you drove in the Australian heat, the conditions dusty and your service provider did not do this or that.
The fact is that the vehicle manufacturers warranty does not apply to:
deposit related parts breaking down | higher than advertised fuel consumption | excessive oil consumption | engine sludge formation | upper engine deposit formation | emission system failures due to deposits